Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's one of those morning when I ask myself, "why do you grow up in the mountains anyway?" We got down to a chilly 23 degrees last night. Although we are savvy when it comes to keeping the plants cozy on frosty nights, sometimes you just can't do enough or you just don't anticipate how cold it will be. I love potatoes; such a tasty and versatile vegetable. They don't mind light frost but 23 is a little too cold. My (your) little taters didn't fair that well last night but luckily they will come back. So, instead of getting potatoes in August, we will be eating them in September. A setback is much better than complete crop failure! Here I am holding some ice that fell off the greenhouse door.

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010

Between snow and rain showers we have been busy getting things in the ground. The wet weather has made it difficult though to get things planted in a timely fashion. Due to wet soil, we are a little behind but what is in the ground is growing nicely. More to come...